美国藤校布朗大学提高国际学生申请要求,雅思8分! 4656
如果对留学及海外就业有任何疑问,欢迎拨打电话 022-2328-9071/9075
布朗大学(Brown University)作为美国常青藤盟校之一,备受世界各地学生喜爱。近日,美国大学陆续公布新的申请季政策调整。布朗大学提高了国际学生本科申请的门槛:即:由去年的托福成绩100分,提高到105分。雅思提高到8分。多邻国分数130分。立达出国的小编帮同学们总结了布朗大学针对不同的英语考试分数的要求,给申请的同学们做一个参考。
We highly recommend that international applicants for whom English is not a first language or a primary language spoken at home submit the results of an English proficiency test. At this time, we accept results for the
Test of English as a Foreign Language(TOEFL),
theInternational English Language Testing System(IELTS),
and theDuolingo English Test.
We will also accept the TOEFL IBT Home Edition. Please arrange for Brown to receive the official results. A minimum score of 105on the TOEFL internet-based exam, a minimum score of 8.0on the IELTS, or a minimum score of 130on the Duolingo is expected in most cases. We do not currently accept the IELTS Indicator Examination.