美国顶尖大学商业分析专业需要的先修课程有哪些? 4626
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商分硕士是最近几年赴美留学的热门专业,那么顶尖大学的商业分析专业有哪些先修课程呢? 立达留学的小编为同学们总结如下:
1. MIT麻省理工学院
Are there any required courses applicants have to take in order to be admitted?
There are no prerequisites for admission, but applicants are encouraged to review the curriculum online and ensure that they have the necessary math and programming skills needed to be successful in the required coursework. Our application also asks about your familiarity and comfort level with certain programming languages.
2. 华盛顿圣路易斯大学
Applicants to the Master of Science in Business Analytics program are required to have taken Calculus I and II and Statistics.
3. 圣母大学
- Evidence of quantitative capabilities to complete a rigorous analytical curriculum