澳洲留学签证之 8202条款解析 4461
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临近2023年年底,随着2024年2月的到来,越来越多的小伙伴们已经收到澳洲留学500签证啦。那么对于签证条款中的8002条款限制,同学们是否了解呢? 立达留学小编们为同学解读如下:
澳洲学生签证500类别会有8202条款限制,留学生必须满足课程的要求(Meet course requirement)
You must remain enrolled in a registered course (unless you are a Foreign Affairs or Defence sponsored student or secondary exchange student in which case you must maintain full-time enrolment in your course of study or training).
Note: A registered course is one that is on theCommonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
You must maintain enrolment in a registered course that is the same level as, or at a higher level than, the registered course for which you were granted a visa. See:Changing courses
You must maintain satisfactory attendance in your course and course progress for each study period as required by your education provider.
You can check your attendance, up to the previous week, on the student notice board from Thursday each week. The attendance shown is the in-class attendance up to the previous Friday. It is the best percentage that you can achieve, projected to the end of your enrolment or reporting period of 25 weeks, if your enrolment is longer than 25 weeks. Satisfactory attendance is a minimum 80% class attendance(source from U of Griffith)