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UCAS 申请需要老师给写推荐信,老师都需要写什么? 4176

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立达留学,国家教育部首批认证的出国留学机构,获全球顶级ICEF 教育参展组织机构认可留学中介(Screened Agency),全国留学机构服务联盟(COSSA)会员单位,北京留学服务行业协会(BOSSA)会员单位,中国教育国际交流协会自费出国留学中介服务分会理事单位,超过10年海外留学移民服务经验的资深专家,帮助数千名学子完成海外求学及成功就业梦想。
如果对留学及海外就业有任何疑问,欢迎拨打电话 022-2328-9071/9075



今天我们就将UCAS 2024本科入学的邀请信要求写出来,也把老师能收到的邀请信内容给大家说清楚,请各位同学参考,其实今年的推荐信要求和去年相比是有变化的,主要是从整篇自主发挥的推荐信改成了三个问题,但其实内核都是差不多的:



1. Full title and name of referee 

2. Job title or relationship (如果有Ph.D.等,一并写)

3. Organisation(填写学校名字)

4. Address(具体到门牌号)

5. Phone 

6. Email address   建议填学校域名的邮箱




分为4个部分:1.你的预估分数 2.和你的关系 3.是否认为你的成绩反映了你的真实水平 4.告诉学校和你所申请的专业相关的你的故事

The following applicant has requested that you write a reference for them

  • This system will time-out and close after 35 minutes of inactivity. This means that you may lose your work if you do not submit within that time.
  • We suggest you prepare your answers in a word-processing package and copy it into the boxes when complete.
  • This system will not let you save your work and return to it to complete it later.
  • When the reference is complete, click on the 'preview' button below to check that your reference is as you wish. To return to this screen, click on 'Close Preview'.
  • Once the reference is complete, click on 'Submit'. Please note that once the reference has been submitted, no further amendments can be made and your password to this site will expire. We will email you a copy of your reference to confirm that it has been received by us.
  • If the applicant has any pending qualifications you will have been asked to provide predicted grades. Please make sure you also enter these or tick the 'I am unable to provide any predicted grades' box within 35 minutes.

Predicted grades

I am unable to provide any predicted grades

Select / enter a predicted grade for each pending qualification.

XXXX school(03/2022 - 06/2024, FT)
Canada-Ontario-Secondary School Diploma
Canada-Ontario-Secondary School Diploma
(ENG3U-English, Grade 11)
(BBB4M-International Business Fundamentals)
(ENG4U-English, Grade 12)
(OLC4O-Grade 12 Ontario Secondary School Literacy)
(MCV4U-Calculus and Vectors, Grade 12)


Please answer the following questions to complete the reference. Remember there is a limit of 3,800 characters (including spaces). Please also remember thatbold,italics,underliningcannot be used in the reference. SeeAdvice and guidance for independent refereesfor further information.

Session will timeout in 28:45

Provide an overview of your relationship with the applicant*(mandatory)

If applicable, enter any information about extenuating circumstances which may have impacted the applicant's education and achievement.

Outline any other supportive information specific to the applicant and relevant to the course(s) applied for that you think universities/colleges should be aware of.

You've used0of3800characters.

We recommend that you preview the reference before submitting. Once the reference has been completed click 'Submit'.
