什么是澳大利亚硕士申请GTE? 4016
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立达小编最近帮很多学生申请了澳大利亚的硕士,其中有一个重要的材料就是GTE。GTE全称Genuine Temporary Entrant,意思翻译一下就是“真实的(Genuine)短期(Temporary)入境者(Entrant)”。
澳洲移民局是要看你是不是真的想过来读书的学生,且保证毕业后会尽快离境,而不是假借留学的名义,在澳洲非法地工作、甚至是就是奔着移民来的!GTE Statement 材料是学生签证申请的规定必须递交的一个材料,而且很多大学在申请的时候,也会要求学生同步提交GTE材料,而这个也是你签证或者学校申请成败的一个重要组成部分。
1. 个人背景,经历,出国的动机。
2. 为什么选择澳洲,为什么要选择这所大学。
3. 在澳洲的规划,比如住哪,准备了多少钱。
4. 未来规划,毕业后去哪工作,做什么工作。
What are your reasons for choosing to study in Australia, rather than your home country?
Have you considered to study in other countries than Australia? Please give details and the reason why have you chosen Australia.
Please provide the reason in which you believe studying in Australia, rather than your home country, is more beneficial to you.
What are your reasons for choosing to study at Southern Cross University?
Have you considered other institutions in Australia? If so please provide details including institutions name and courses.
Why is Southern Cross University the institution of your choice?
Have you considered any other Southern Cross University campuses? Why did you choose this specific campus?
What are your reasons for choosing the course specified on your application?
Please explain the course structure for the course which you are applying for and the assessment methods.
Which units do you find the most interesting and relevant to your future career?
How long will take you to complete the course?
What are the fees for the course?
Why do you think you will be successful in completing this course?
What relevance does this course hold to your future career and educational plans?
What are your career aspirations and how will this course help you to achieve them?
What specific jobs could you apply for once you complete this course? What would be the expected salary?
If there was a gap of more than three months in your history of study and/or work please provide the details of what you were doing.
Did you undertake any training? If so provide evidence.
Did you undertake any language courses? If so provide evidence