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英国王牌同传专业硕士课程信息汇总 3944

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在英国读同声传译Simultaneous Interpretation的Master学位可供选择的学校不多,从综合排名的先后来看的话,分别是Bath,Newcastle, Leeds, Salford, Westeminster, Middlesex。下文将对这些学校的同声传译课程进行简单介绍。


巴斯大学 University of Bath

巴斯大学同声传译Simultaneous Interpretation属于European Studies & Modern Languages(欧洲研究和现代语言),它的专业名称是:MA in Interpreting and Translating,分为两个方向:
1. 以英语为母语的人学的(Path 1 allows students with English as their A language to offer two other languages - from Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish - working only into English);
2. 英语为母语的或者以中文、法语、德语、意大利语、俄语和西班牙语为母语的人,以学习英语与自己母语的互相翻译。


1. Good Honors Degree (平均分80分以上) ;

2. 语言要求:雅思7.0,单科不低于6.0。有专门的Chinese Stream。



纽卡斯尔大学 Newcastle University


Newcastle的Simultaneous Interpretation隶属于School of Modern Languages(现代语言系),这个系下属十二个专业(International Film: History, Theory and Practice MA and PGDip;Interpreting MA(两年制,第一年是Graduate Diploma, 若满足了入学条件,则进入第二年的MA课程,目标是在市场、商业、科技、国际关系和传媒方向的翻译);

Interpreting and Translating Studies Integrated PhD(博士学位,3-4年,要有翻译方面的硕士Dip或MA,中英方面);

Latin American Interdisciplinary Studies MA;Linguistics and Language Acquisition MA(一年,侧重于语言学和研究技巧);

Linguistics of European Languages MA;

Modern Languages MLitt;  MPhil; PhD;

Professional Translating for European Languages MA;

Translating Graduate Diploma;Translating MA(两年制,同Interpreting);

Translating and Interpreting MA;

Translation Studies MA(倾向于研究方面,要学两年,第一年只能拿一个Diploma,若符合条件才能进入下一年的MA课程)),可见其语言学方面的强势。而我们要申请的Simultaneous Interpretation在Translating Graduate Diploma里,而不是MA,而要得到MA,则要在Translating Graduate Diploma之后再读MA Translating and Interpreting课程。而这个Diploma课程的入学要求是:You need a BA degree with a minimum average of 75 per cent (or GPA 2.75) on your transcript or an upper-second-class Honors degree or higher. Non-degree holders, such as holders of Junior College Diplomas, should have three years’ relevant work experience. Native speakers of Chinese or Japanese require an English language score of at least IELTS 7.0, with no less than 6.0 in any one skill. 口语和写作不低于6.5。Newcastle适合想要读两年得到MA的申请者。


利兹大学 University of Leeds

Leeds有自己的Translation Studies系,有六门不同的MA课程,其中有Simultaneous translating课程包含在Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies里,要求是IELTS (Academic) score of 6.5 with at least 7.0 in speaking and 6.0 in all other components,Academic entry req:Usually a BA (Honours) degree, 2:1(80分以上) classification or equivalent in a language-based subject. 还要参加考试。


索尔福德大学Salford University

索尔福德大学的同传课程包含在MA/PgDip Interpreting and Translating这门课程里,但是这门课程主要面向以英语、法语、德语和西班牙语为母语的申请者,如果不是以这几门语言为母语的申请者,则需提供证据证明自己的英语非常高的熟练度。

总体来说,Salford的语言系School of Languages还是很强的,光硕士学位课程就有七门,其中还有专门针对中英文互译的课程。但是simultaneous interpretation同声传译这门课是包含在Interpreting and Translating的选修课程里的,而且没有中文方向的,所以不适合中国人去读。适合中国人读的是:MA/PgDip Chinese/English/Chinese Translation和MA/PgDip Chinese/English/Chinese Translation with Interpreting。

Salford is a member of PLUG (Professional Languages at Universities Group) and recognised as a provider of interpreters and translators by the European Commission Interpreting Service (SCIC) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)。


A good, relevant honors degree or equivalent(相关专业,70分以上)

Native speakers of Chinese must provide evidence of proficiency in English

We welcome applications from students with alternative qualifications and/or significant relevant experience, subject to approval through a process of Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)

学费较便宜,只要£7,800 per year。



威斯敏斯特大学University of Westminster

布莱尔的贴身翻译林超伦在校教同传。同传课程在MA Conference Interpreting Techniques里。

录取要求:You must have a university degree, a thorough understanding of two or three passive (C) languages and an excellent command of your mother tongue (or A language). We also consider applications from those with a second active (B) language, with or without a C. Aspiring interpreters should also have a broad general education, analytical skills and an interest in current affairs, along with flexibility, stamina and the ability to work under pressure.

MA Bilingual Translation,有中文方向,要求本科毕业,或者有相关工作经验,雅思6.5。


密德萨斯大学 Middlesex university
Middlesex的Interpreting。在School of Art and Education系里。专门为中国学生设计的同传课程。Unlike many such courses, the MA Interpreting concentrates on training interpreters and does not include translation modules.

要求:Typical students will be graduates in English language with a good knowledge of linguistics and preferably some experience of interpreting or translating. 要参加考试。

